Purpose Statement
Maniwaki Woodland School fosters a climate in which the needs for understanding, acceptance, security and dignity are fulfilled. A positive attitude towards oneself, others and respect for the environment is stressed. We expect students to act in a manner that demonstrates their sense of responsibility and their commitment to the community.
Responsible and respectful behaviour is expected of our staff and students and encouraged for all members of our school community both on and off of school premises. The code of conduct is applicable not only when at school but also during extracurricular activities, while on school transportation and while using social media (when it affects the environment of the school). Respect toward self, other people and the school environment is the foundation of a common Code of Conduct at Maniwaki Woodland School.
Maniwaki Woodland has two different codes of conduct, one for Elementary, and one for High School levels. Continue reading:
– Elementary Code of Conduct
– High School Code of Conduct